Manex Ibar, master clairvoyant, shaman, and spiritual teacher, leads this powerful transformational and educational course on mastering energetics. Activate your pineal gland, pituitary gland, and your psychic screens. Learn how to read and clear chakras, auras, karma, programs, entities, curses-devices, cords, agreements and contracts. Learn to access the akashic records and change your meaning. Learn to channel properly and safely to enter spiritual communication.
Learn to activate your Clairvoyance and Master your Energetic Field
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Get It Now
24 Guided Audio Meditations to Master your Energetics
Welcome to Clairessence Meditations, a guided meditation course to help you explore, clean, and master your entire quantum energetic system. What these meditations open and guide you towards, is giiving you access to the unseen part of you, the subconscious link to your genetics. Tapping into your energetics provides a wealth of information and transformation for your life. You will transform your perspective, your vibration, your consciousness, your relationships and gain clarity, focus, purpose, spiritual knowledge and of course abundance. No, really you will!!
Clairessence was developed by clairvoyant and world-known spiritual teacher Manex Ibar. With 20 years of practice working with energy, Manex has developed this easy online course to learn how to manage and master your energetic field, providing you with health, vitality, understanding, and wisdom, and optimal self-realization.
Guided Audio & Video Meditations
Using binaural beat synthesis, the audio meditation downloads help you go into different consciousness states
Video introductions to help you understand each concept and meditation
Guidance through graphic animations that visually explain each meditation keep you on track
Each meditation comes with a pdf descriptive text, or you can buy the full printed book for your home
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This is next level, the missing piece to make sense of many loose ends, and practical shifts in energetics has drastically shifted my life.
- Juan Pablo
All the kids from age 5-15 had no problem following the course. The results is spectacular, we've seen changes in the kids awareness
- Green School New Zealand
These meditations are something else!! Every time we use them we not only learn something, but we also journey into our subconscious and feel very different afterward.
- Jon & Missy Butcher -
Choose the perfect Meditation set for you
[qode_pricing_tables columns=”three_columns”][qode_pricing_table type=”advanced” title=”Workshop I” title_tag=”h1″ additional_info=”Perfect To Start” show_button=”yes” target=”_self” button_size=”medium” subtitle=”Activate your Clairvoyant System” short_info=”The first course brings you deep awareness of your energetic field and provides tools to clean and protect yourself energetically” image=”419″ price=”425″ currency=”$” price_period=”One Time Payment” button_text=”Enroll now” link=””]
- 12 Video Introductions
- 12 Video Guided Visualization
- 12 Audio Meditations Downloads
- Mandatory set
[/qode_pricing_table][qode_pricing_table type=”advanced” title=”Workshop 2″ title_tag=”h1″ additional_info=”Advanced Meditators” show_button=”yes” target=”_self” button_size=”medium” subtitle=”Advanced Energetic Meditations” short_info=”Once you’ve mastered Workshop 1, go deeper with advanced meditations techniques that bring your deep mastery of your energetics” image=”420″ price=”425″ currency=”$” price_period=”One time payment” button_text=”Enroll now” link=””]
- 12 Video Introductions
- 12 Video Guided Animations
- 12 Audio Guided Meditation Downloads
[/qode_pricing_table][qode_pricing_table type=”advanced” title=”Full Workshops 1&2″ title_tag=”h1″ additional_info=”For Therapists/Healers & Masters” show_button=”yes” target=”_self” button_size=”medium” subtitle=”Master your Energetics” short_info=”Buy the full workshop and begin your journey to self mastery in energetics.” image=”417″ price=”750″ currency=”$” price_period=”1 time payment” button_text=”Enroll now” link=””]
- 24 Video Introductions
- 24 Video Visual Animations
- 24 Audio Guided Meditations Downloads
- Webinar support